Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Life take me into an embrace,
show me warmth and grace,
put a smile on my face,
let me walk proud,
let me not be to be to loud,
teach me kindness and humility,
shun me away from cruelty,
let those who are cruel,
come not near me.

Life, do not forget me,
even after I am gone,
do not forget me,
remember that I once loved you,
once appreciated you,
sang your praises,
Life, do not forget me.

Life you are a friend,
a journey worthwile,
and those who deny you life,
those who throw you away,
forgive them life,
forgive them for they are lost,
they not know how to appreciate you,
they know not how to appreciate He who created you.

Life, thank you.